Depois de terem surgido informações que indicavam que um dos fornecedores chineses da Samsung estaria a realizar exploração infantil, apesar de 3 auditorias realizadas pela Samsung, a fabricante suspendeu por completo o contrato que tinha com o fornecedor. Caso as alegações se venham a confirmar, a Samsung irá cortar relações por completo com o fornecedor.
O relatório de sustentabilidade da Samsung deste ano afirmava originalmente que não existia qualquer prova de exploração infantil nos seus fornecedores, mas no entanto informações vindas da China Labor Watch afirmam ter encontrado exemplos de crianças a trabalhar para um dos fornecedores da Samsung em Dongguan, China, onde várias crianças foram encontradas a trabalhar 11 horas por dia.
Logo após estas informações se terem tornado públicas a Samsung realizou um comunicado oficial onde confirma que uma recente investigação descobriu provas de que práticas ilegais de emprego estariam a ser realizadas e que irá cessar qualquer tipo de relação para com o fornecedor caso seja confirmada a contratação de crianças.
Poderá ler o comunicado completo, em inglês, em baixo:
Samsung Electronics statement on recent allegation of child labor at a supplier
July 14, 2014
Samsung Electronics conducted an investigation into Dongguan Shinyang Electronics Co. Ltd., one of its suppliers, immediately after China Labor Watch accused on July 10 the China-based supplier of hiring children.
Following the investigation, Samsung decided to temporarily suspend business with the factory in question as it found evidences of suspected child labor at the worksite. The decision was made in accordance with Samsung’s zero tolerance policy on child labor.
It is unfortunate that the allegation surfaced despite Samsung’s efforts to prevent child labor at its suppliers. As part of its pledge against child labor, Samsung routinely conducts inspections to monitor its suppliers in China to ensure they follow the commitment, and has provided necessary support.
For Dongguan Shinyang Electronics, Samsung has conducted audits on three occasions since 2013, with the latest one ending on June 25, 2014. No cases of child labor were found during these audits.
In the separate investigation following the CLW allegations, however, Samsung found evidences of illegal hiring process that took place on June 29. The Chinese authorities are also looking into the case.
If the investigations conclude that the supplier indeed hired children illegally, Samsung will permanently halt business with the supplier in accordance with its zero tolerance policy on child labor.
Furthermore, Samsung will strengthen its hiring process not only at its production facilities but also at its suppliers to prevent such case from reoccurring.